What is Kai-Zen?

Kai-Zen is an executive benefits program aimed at highly compensated individuals or professional groups, such as law firms, medical doctors, engineers, and other professionals that need an additional avenue over and above their normal 401K plan to help them save for retirement and plan for their future. Kai-Zen is particularly attractive for pass through entities where traditional deferred compensation is not viable, or groups that have maxed out their qualified plans and still want to save more. It can also be a great vehicle for Buy-Sell plans, Key-Man Insurance, Stock Redemption, and Partner Buy Out.

Because of the third-party lender, Kai-Zen allows the participant to purchase more death benefit and more living benefits than they could afford on their own. The addition of financing puts more cash into the policy and allows the cash accumulation in the policy to build up to a much higher amount. This higher cash value translates into more supplemental income for retirement once the loan is paid off. Plus, with Kai-Zen the participant only pays five years toward the premium, whereas most other self-funded policies require ongoing premium payments for years and years.


What is Premium Financing?


More about Kai-Zen